Entries by angelo

Rehabilitative Care – It’s Not All the Same

When looking for rehabilitative care, you may have heard of inpatient rehabilitation hospitals, assisted living centers, skilled nursing facilities, and nursing homes. While these may seem like equal choices for care, they’re not. Each of the facilities mentioned above has rehabilitation professionals on staff, but only one – the rehabilitation hospital – specializes in rehabilitation, […]

Lower Your Stroke Risks this Summer

Summer is a great time for a lot of things – barbecues, outdoor activities, vacations…but what you may not think about when it comes to summer is using all it has to offer to lower your stroke risks. Strokes – or brain attacks – are the leading cause of adult disabilities in the United States, […]

After a Stroke — Finding the Right Words

It’s common to struggle at times to find the right word during a conversation. But for an individual who has had a stroke, finding the right word may be much more difficult. Aphasia can be a side effect of a stroke, which can affect a person’s ability to communicate by impairing the ability to speak, […]

Act FAST and Save a Life

FAST is an easy way to identify the most common symptoms of stroke: F – Face drooping. Ask the person to smile. Note if one side of the face is drooping. A – Arm weakness. Ask the person to raise both arms to the side. See if one drifts downward. S – Speech difficulty. Ask […]

Don’t Have a Stroke

Dick Clark. Sharon Stone. Rick James. When you think of these celebrities, you probably think of their talents. What you probably don’t realize is that each suffered a stroke. Strokes – or brain attacks – can happen to anyone at any time. Strokes are the leading cause of adult disability in the United States, and […]

5 Benefits of Walking

There’s nothing quite like a good walk. It doesn’t require a gym membership or a bunch of equipment, and often gets you into the great outdoors. It’s also very good for you, both physically and mentally. Indeed, all of the benefits of walking would make for a long list, but here are five main benefits […]

What is Occupational Therapy?

When it comes to health and rehabilitation professions, occupational therapists are truly a valuable resource. Occupational therapy helps people optimize their ability to accomplish daily activities, through improving life skills following an injury or physical impairment. But there’s much more to occupational therapy than meets the eye – and in honor of National Occupational Therapy […]

National Doctors’ Day

The world of medicine was changed forever on March 30, 1842, with the first documented use of anesthesia during surgery. While the accomplishments of doctors has continued to evolve  – and amaze – since then, March 30 remains a special day in the world of medicine. After all, it’s now considered National Doctors’ Day – […]

The Role of Social Workers at Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities

To serve as a social worker means to serve in a variety of roles – usually on a daily basis. That’s certainly true of social workers who serve in inpatient rehabilitation facilities. With March being National Social Work Month, it’s a great time to take a closer look at the many ways the nation’s more […]

A Heart Attack’s Effect on the Brain

It’s estimated that someone suffers a heart attack approximately every 40 seconds in the United States – or about 720,000 people each year. While many heart attack victims recover and resume their normal lives, others have to deal with lingering physical effects, such as changes in the brain. Specifically, heart attacks and other forms of […]