Take Steps to Stop Stroke

According to the National Stroke Association, physically active individuals have a 25-30 percent chance of lower risk of stroke than less active individuals. An easy way to incorporate exercise into your day is to walk. You can do it anywhere,…

Top 10 Reasons Being in Top 10% Matters to Our Patients

We recently were named in the Top 10% of inpatient rehabilitation facilities from among 870 facilities in the nation. Here are our Top 10 reasons why we think this is good for our patients:  10. Consistency. This is our 3rd year of receiving…

Recognized Among Top 10% in the Nation

Corpus Christi Rehabilitation Hospital has been named in the Top 10 percent of inpatient rehabilitation facilities in the United States. The hospital’s care was cited as being as being patient-centered, effective, efficient and timely. “We…

Recognize a Concussion

Any bump or blow to the head has concussion potential. Concussion symptoms may occur immediately or days/weeks later and can include: Headache Concentration or memory issues Nausea Change in sleep habits Dizziness Feeling sluggish/”foggy” …

Heads up on Biking Safety

Bike riding is one of America’s favorite past times, especially for children. But every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 26,000 bicycle-related injuries to children and adolescents result in traumatic brain…

Blood Pressure – Understanding the Numbers

New guidelines released this past fall by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association have changed the way you should be looking at your blood pressure numbers. High blood pressure is now defined as 130/80 and higher,…