Taking Steps to a Calming Routine
Patients from all walks of life come through the doors of CCRH, and we get the extreme privilege of experiencing their varying personalities, hopes, fears, and knowledge. While the differences are always distinct, we have noticed that there…

Healthy Ways to Handle Your Stress
It’s important to give yourself the permission to relax every once in awhile, whether that quiet moment is spent with a steaming cup of tea or an indulgent massage. Stress and exhaustion can cause long-term health issues if allowed to remain…

Top 10 Reasons Why Being in the Top 10% Matters
Our staff did it again! We’ve been ranked in the Top 10% nationwide for our patient care at Corpus Christi Rehabilitation Hospital. That makes us pretty happy, and here’s why:
Top 10 Reasons we like being in the Top 10
We like the Number…

How to Combat Your Anxiety
In our last post, we detailed how important it is for people to get help with anxiety disorders, especially because they can negatively impact overall physical and mental health. However, it’s often difficult to know where to start. In our…

Caregiver’s Guide to Brain Injury Rehabilitation
The goal of rehabilitation is to help your loved one live and function as independently as possible. Rehabilitation helps the body heal and assists the brain in relearning processes so that an individual recovers as quickly and efficiently as…

What to Expect from Rehabilitation
Last week we covered identifying and understanding brain injuries. If you or a loved one you know has had a brain injury or are at risk for a brain injury, knowing what rehabilitation will consist of can be comforting during a stressful time.…